Bilal Taskeen

Project Manager

With an immense writing of more than 8 years of extensive experience Bilal was born with a penchant for words. He has always enjoyed writing and looking for new words to use. He is a strategist with extensive experience in both technical and literary fields. He works to create diverse content that can be tailored to a variety of interests, due to his background in technology and love of writing.

Bilal has a vast experience in giving a proper shape to words, generating an impactful content to help businesses expand dynamically. He focuses on providing the right balance between informative and SEO needs, without sacrificing her readers' entertainment.

Emerging Trends in IT Services:
A New Reality

Information Technology services have been a significant part of the world economy for decades. However, as technology becomes more and more integrated into our lives......

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Bilal Taskeen

17 November 2023

Future Trends for RPA

The future of work is shaped by several trends, including the increasing use of robotic process automation (RPA). As RPA becomes more widespread, it significantly impacts the way work is done and the amount of time available for other activities. RPA is freeing......

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Bilal Taskeen

14 November 2023

Will ChatGPT take my job? What professions are at risk?

In recent years, artificial intelligence has made remarkable progress in natural language processing, leading to the development of sophisticated language models like ChatGPT. As these models become more advanced, concerns about their potential impact......

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Bilal Taskeen

06 November 2023

Benefits of E-Commerce Outsourcing

I firmly believe that eCommerce outsourcing can be an excellent way for e-commerce businesses to cut costs and become more efficient. However, you must be competitive if your goal is to grow as a business!......

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Bilal Taskeen

30 October 2023

Benefits of a Mobile App for Logistics

As per my observations, in the last decade, logistics companies have integrated a great deal of technological developments into their operations and they continue to encourage innovative ways of shipping and delivering to achieve.......

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Bilal Taskeen

21 October 2023

Outsourcing Your E-Commerce Development

You may be wondering if it's worth it to outsource your eCommerce website development. After all, many skilled individuals are more than capable of developing a website on their own. However, there are several advantages.......

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Bilal Taskeen

07 October 2023

Understanding Digital Transformation

When pursuing digital transformation, it's important to separate fact from fiction and avoid unfounded hype. Instead, focus on using technology effectively to support your business strategy and improve overall performance........

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Bilal Taskeen

11 September 2023

Automation in the Reporting Process

For many institutions, it's been a long road to recovery since 9/11 and the banking crisis. But, after years of imposed regulations in response to these events, people were cautiously optimistic that they had managed their........

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Bilal Taskeen

07 August 2023

Benefits of a Professional Mobile App for your Business

It is a well-known fact that businesses need a professional mobile app in today's day and age. A mobile app can help you promote and sell your products or services, engage with your customers,........

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Bilal Taskeen

25 July 2023

Diversity Metrics for a Quality Wokrplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are no longer just buzzwords, but important principles for organizations to prioritize in today's society. Having a diverse workforce not only helps to improve industry........

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Bilal Taskeen

30 June 2023

Benefits of Business Intelligence for Startups

The era of big data has arrived. The implications for businesses and startups alike are immense. Still, one trend might be more telling than any other: More people are collecting raw metrics inside your company to inform........

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Bilal Taskeen

21 May 2023

Upcoming Business Process Automation Trends

In today's digital world, it is vital for businesses to stay ahead of their competitors and keep up with changing customer trends. Therefore, corporations use enterprise software solutions that are ever-expanding to........

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Bilal Taskeen

18 April 2023

Objectives of Content Marketing

I firmly believe that a well-planned content marketing strategy enables the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant information to attract an audience that will result in conversion and ultimately drive profitable customer actions.........

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Bilal Taskeen

17 March 2023

Impact of Cloud Computing in the Education Sector

According to my observations, one of the most critical aspects of the education sector is to keep education seekers engaged and provide them with all the resources they need for success. Cloud computing and other related services have.........

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Bilal Taskeen

19 February 2023

5 Stages of Business Intelligence

Organizations rely heavily on business intelligence (BI) to plan strategically in today's business environment. BI technologies analyze past and current data to provide organizations an insight into the future..........

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Bilal Taskeen

17 January 2023

Benefits of RPA for Fintech

It is no secret that industrial sectors have been using robots for a long time to automate their activities and processes, which helps them be more productive, which means they can produce more with the same amount of.........

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Bilal Taskeen

18 December 2022

Process Automation for Digital Marketing

Marketing automation has changed drastically over the years, and marketers can automate more aspects of their job than ever before. In addition, it plays a vital role in streamlining processes by running campaigns to.........

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Bilal Taskeen

21 November 2022

4 Competitive Advantages of Cloud Migration

Any process or technology that can increase productivity, save costs and boost profitability is highly desired by all businesses. Other decision-makers point to enhanced IT service delivery speed and adaptability to emerging........

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Bilal Taskeen

24 October 2022

Business Intelligence is the Base of Digital Transformation

As the digital transformation of companies continues, Business Intelligence (BI) is becoming increasingly important. Organizations are leveraging BI to unlock insights from their data and make informed decisions.........

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Bilal Taskeen

22 September 2022

How to be Consistent in Your Content Marketing Efforts

Consistency is an essential part of content marketing. To ensure that you can deliver top-notch content regularly, it’s important to have a plan in place to create and distribute your content.........

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Bilal Taskeen

22 August 2022

How Artificial Intelligence Integrates with Human Resources

Artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing about dramatic changes to the world of human resource management. Automating mundane HR tasks like scheduling and payroll processing saves time, money.........

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Bilal Taskeen

17 July 2022

Benefits of Business Intelligence Tools

In today's world, there is no need for any company or individual to make decisions without having the most up-to-date information. With just one click of a button, we can get all the.........

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Bilal Taskeen

19 June 2022

Effective Team Building in the Workplace

Team building is an important topic in the current business climate as organizations look to team-based structures for improved productivity, profitability and service quality. Team leads want all employees.......

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Bilal Taskeen

18 May 2022

BI Tools in Marketing

From my point of view, using customer data for better marketing campaigns is a longstanding idea. Still, it has recently become more popular with the rise in modern marketing approaches.........

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Bilal Taskeen

21 April 2022

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Financial World

It is my observation that financial services providers are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence to gain an edge over their competitors. AI has the potential not only for market........

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Bilal Taskeen

27 March 2022

Role of Data Mining in E-Commerce

In my opinion, data mining is the process of analyzing the large sets of information helping business decision makers to formulate modern market strategies, reduce risks and predict the.........

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Bilal Taskeen

07 March 2022

Business Intelligence & Analytics

It is my experience and belief that businesses that utilize business intelligence and analytics can develop a deep understanding of their customers, markets, and operations. Organizations can then utilize.........

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Bilal Taskeen

11 February 2022

AI Based Document Processing

I believe that having AI-augmented software for your business documents is a game changer. The system will process, archive, and analyze information quickly to help you make smarter decisions with less work........

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Bilal Taskeen

16 January 2022

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