4 Competitive Advantages of Cloud Migration

Bilal Taskeen
October 24, 2022
4 min read

Any process or technology that can increase productivity, save costs, and boost profitability is highly desired by all businesses. Other decision-makers point to enhanced IT service delivery speed and adaptability to emerging market conditions. Migrating business data to the cloud lets you enjoy all the benefits and gains. Here I share four competitive advantages that I believe drive cloud migration:

1.Cost savings

An organization that uses an on-premises data warehouse must constantly invest in costly gear and software, keep it updated, manage it, and have staff to support it. The cloud provides a top-notch infrastructure through a subscription-based, pay-as-you-go business model. Updates and security upgrades for cloud software applications are typically automatic and part of the subscription plan.

2. Speed, productivity, and agility

After a cloud move, productivity may increase by 30 to 50 percent, according to AWS. Without having to establish or maintain physical infrastructure, productivity soars. Additionally, you have access to a vast array of tools, applications, and resources. As a result, software evaluation is completed more quickly, and new tools are promptly operational.

3. Security

Migrations to the cloud come with a team of security professionals, yet security is a significant worry. Because of economies of scale, cloud service providers can provide better security than traditional internal resources.

Data security involves more than thwarting hackers or avoiding data loss due to catastrophes or equipment malfunctions. Local storage is not required when users access applications and data from the cloud. Any device can access data stored in the cloud. Additionally, cloud-based solutions can remotely delete a laptop if it has critical data on it if it is stolen or lost.

4. Scalability

A new on-premises server can take days or weeks to start up. Still, the cloud enables quick, inexpensive scalability, which is ideal for expanding enterprises and firms with varying bandwidth requirements. Moreover, it is optional to overbuy hardware or to prepare for occasional peak loads. Want more strength? Get it right away. Want to cut back? With a few mouse clicks, change the subscription.

Stampa Solutions can help your business migrate to the cloud with its expertise and experience in cloud technologies. Get in touch today to find out more.


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