Nabeela Yaseen

Sr. Content Strategist

Like all the colors in the rainbow, I have hands-on experience as a writer and a freelancer all under the hub of literature, which has been my bitter-sweet partner for a long time now. I have the potential to steer the ship of creative writing to the shore of stupendous imagination, making me such a compelling writer to follow. I am renowned among my friends for always being surprised by twist endings to books/movies and forever struggling to keep my bookshelf tidy.

As an author, I strive to create content that is not only helpful and informative, but also entertaining. I want my readers to enjoy the experience of learning from me, and I work hard to ensure that every article is up to my high standards. As a professional, I am always respectful and courteous to my clients and colleagues. I believe that teamwork is essential for any business to succeed, and I am always willing to lend a helping hand. In short, I am a driven individual who is always looking to achieve more.

RPA Automation:
How to Get the Most Out of This Technology

Robotic process automation (RPA) is the act of automating tasks that people currently perform. One can use it to automate back-office operations,......

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Nabeela Yaseen

15 November 2023

11 Ways Mobile App Development Can Help Your Business

It's no secret that mobile devices have taken over the world. In fact, according to Statista, as of this year, there are nearly 2 billion people who own a smartphone......

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Nabeela Yaseen

10 November 2023

Advantages of Custom Analytics Dashboard

It is my experience that a custom data analytics dashboard offers numerous advantages for data analysis. Instead of manually collecting data from multiple sources, a custom dashboard allows.......

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Nabeela Yaseen

03 November 2023

Advantages of Remote Development for Startups

I've observed that in recent years, there has been a major shift in how startups operate. For example, in the past, it was more common for startups to have all their employees working in-house. However, I also believe it's becoming.......

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Nabeela Yaseen

01 November 2023

Business Intelligence vs Data Science

Business Intelligence and Data Science are processes involving big data but have different aims and objectives. Business intelligence focuses on the research and analysis of past events and trends to make better decisions in the future........

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Nabeela Yaseen

14 October 2023

Choose the Right Technology Partner for Data Security

Data security is essential to your company's success as a business owner. But with so many choices, how do you choose the right technology partner for data security? Here are four factors to consider when making your decision:........

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Nabeela Yaseen

11 October 2023

The Most Significant Benefits of having a Mobile App

It's my observation that in today's business world, it's more important than ever to have a strong online presence and the best way to achieve this goal is by owning a mobile app for your business. Mobile apps provide significant........

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Nabeela Yaseen

25 September 2023

World Mental Health Day

October 10th marks World Mental Health Day, a day dedicated to bringing attention to the state of mental health globally. The objective is to make mental health care accessible and reduce the stigma surrounding it........

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Nabeela Yaseen

27 August 2023

Benefits of automating your Content Marketing Process

In a world where content is king, it's more important than ever to have a streamlined and efficient content marketing process. As any experienced marketer will tell you, developing a powerful and effective content marketing strategy........

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Nabeela Yaseen

01 August 2023

Cloud Integration with Application Modernization

Legacy modernization is the process of upgrading older software systems for the latest computing trends, including languages and frameworks. This process can be done by either adapting an existing application or........

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Nabeela Yaseen

08 July 2023

Report Automation

We all know that reports give managers the information they need to make strategic decisions and overcome challenges. Moreover, they're fundamental in any business because customers would be skeptical........

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Nabeela Yaseen

14 June 2023

Rapid Development and The Agile Mehtod

In software development, there are a variety of different approaches that can be taken in order to complete a project. One popular approach is known as the agile methodology. Agile methodology is all about........

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Nabeela Yaseen

03 May 2023

The Importance of Website Speed and Loading Time

Anyone who has ever waited for a website to load can tell you that it's a frustrating experience. In today's fast-paced world, people expect immediate gratification. This is especially true when it comes to the internet.........

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Nabeela Yaseen

02 April 2023

Data Mining in Business Intelligence

In my opinion, businesses can utilize data mining for predicting future trends, improving business strategies and making better decisions with confidence in their products targeted toward particular market conditions..........

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Nabeela Yaseen

07 March 2023

Importance of a Professional Website

According to my observations, most buyers search online for information that will guide their shopping decisions. This trend in consumer behavior highlights how crucial a website is for modern organizations..........

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Nabeela Yaseen

02 February 2023

Process Automation for Content Marketing

Marketing automation uses software to automate marketing processes, including email marketing, social media campaigns, and other repetitive tasks. Business process automation (BPA) is a subset of marketing..........

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Nabeela Yaseen

01 January 2023

RPA in the Automotive Industry

Automation is an essential tool for any industry, but it's particularly crucial in the automotive world. Before other industries started to adopt automation as a solution to their problems with labor and production costs,.........

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Nabeela Yaseen

06 December 2022

Importance of Customized Software for Your Business

Nowadays, many businesses rely on software to help them run their operations and stay competitive. But not all software is created equal. For example, it is common knowledge that off-the-shelf software can be inflexible and difficult........

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Nabeela Yaseen

08 November 2022

The Future Trends of Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is transforming the way organizations make decisions by making data-driven insights available to everyone in the organization. With advances in technology, businesses are able to easily........

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Nabeela Yaseen

01 October 2022

Content Marketing Trends for 2023 to Look Out for

As digital marketing continues to evolve, so should your content strategy if you want to stay ahead of the competition. In 2023, it's expected that content marketing strategies will focus on creating immersive and..........

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Nabeela Yaseen

03 September 2022

What the Future Holds for Business Analytics & Intelligence

Business Analytics & Intelligence is quickly becoming an invaluable tool for organizations of all sizes and across all industries. As technology develops, the opportunities to leverage data-driven insights will..........

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Nabeela Yaseen

08 August 2022

Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023

Content marketing is an ever-changing and dynamic industry. To succeed in content marketing, I believe it is imperative to stay ahead of the trends by keeping updated with what's new and innovative.........

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Nabeela Yaseen

03 July 2022

Content Marketing

The best way to build brand affinity is by being the voice of trust in your industry. To do so, you need quality content that can be marketed with an effective strategy based on proven strategies from.........

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Nabeela Yaseen

07 June 2022

Automated Document Processing

In my opinion, nowadays, with the rise in technology and automation tools including machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing (NLP) or optical character recognition (OCR), it is possible........

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Nabeela Yaseen

02 May 2022

Role of RPA in the Marketing Sector

Marketing teams, in my experience, are increasingly dependent on automation technology to perform their jobs well. Utilizing automation tools enables them to be more efficient, effective, and productive.........

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Nabeela Yaseen

07 April 2022

Positive Workplace Environment

We all are aware of the fact that the environment of a workplace influences the mindset and growth of our employees. People working in a non-toxic, positive and healthy work environment will definitely feel more.......

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Nabeela Yaseen

18 March 2022

Robotic Process Automation in Manufacturing Industry

Robotic process automation in the manufacturing industry introduces various automated tools to streamline manufacturing processes. These tools provide efficiency in various functions such as inventory management,.........

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Nabeela Yaseen

26 February 2022

Data Mining Tools

Data mining tools aim to help decision-makers get critical information and actionable insights. For example, businesses all around the globe take in so much data every day, but it would be.........

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Nabeela Yaseen

25 January 2022


It is my experience that SaaS provides businesses with many notable advantages, including cost savings, increased efficiency, and scalability. SaaS platforms are often more affordable than traditional software........

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Nabeela Yaseen

03 January 2022

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